Component Based Software Engineering

•Main characteristics
–Makes intensive use of existing reusable components.
–The focus is on integrating the components rather than on creating them from the scratch.

–Reduces considerably the software to be developed “in-house”.
–Allows faster delivery.
–In principle, more reliable systems, due to using previously tested components.

–agreement in requirements are needed.
–Less control over the system’s evolution

–When there is a pool of existing components that could satisfy the requirements of the new product.
–Emerging trend: integration of web services from a range of suppliers.

You can also view:
1. Boehms Spiral Process Model
2. Rational Unified Process Model
3. Rapid Application Development-RAD
4. Prototyping Process Model
5. Incremental Process Model
6. Component Based Software Engineering
7. Evolutionary Process Development Model
8. Waterfall Process Model
9. Software Process Framework Activity


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