Due to the popularity of my previous post that guides how to increase upload_max_filesize on cPanel server I decided to create a more general article, that covers changing of other PHP settings using php.ini and .htaccess files. In this article we will change the following php settings: memory_limit – maximum amount of physical memory that can be allocated to PHP script max_post_size – maximum size of data that can be transferred via POST method register_globals – this variable allows to enable or disable register_globals file_uploads – enables or disables file_uploads First we will create our custom php.ini file: Login to your cPanel account, open public_html directory and create blank php.ini file Put php settings that you would like to change into the file. I will put all php variables, but if you would like to leave default values for some of them you can exclude them from the list [PHP] ; increase php memory_limit to...